Down Again
Twitter was down again for about 30 minutes today. Bad Twitter. Bad.
Seriously, why Twitter? Why the DDOS? Iran? China? Nasty.
Golden [Meteor] Showers
Woohoo! Showers!
The Newbury Astronomical Society in the United Kingdom held a "Twitter Meteorwatch" party with thousands of stargazers from around the world Tweeting live pictures of the celebrated annual meteor shower.
Even geeks can appear normal once a year.
Tweeting Babies
Wife of Twitter CEO tweets birth.
I mean, well, yeah, what else would you do during the birthing of your child?
I'd probably have done the same thing. If I was a woman. And having a baby. And married to the guy that invented Twitter.
Being none of those things, I have no words.
XBox360 & Twitter?
XBox 360 is looking at including Twitter into the set based on some news on the new upgrade.
Just a rumor at this point, but how would you feel if Twitter showed up as an option in your Xbox360 experience? I don't know that it would integrate very well. I play games occasionally and know there's a keyboard component you can purchase for the controller, but - how exactly would that work?
What are your thoughts?
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